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The Audemat MC6 is the most comprehensive and versatile measurement platform available for DAB and/or FM in the world today. 

Its main function is to help broadcasters, operators, and regulation authorities ensure the best radio service is being offered to listeners while respecting all DAB and FM regulations. This all-in-one system offers both mobile RF coverage measurement and extensive modulation analysis in a single comprehensive system.

Based on a fully digital technology, the Audemat MC6 offers exceptional test and measurement accuracy, as well as multiple receivers for DAB and/or FM.

Unique on the market, the Audemat MC6 offers an unmatched level of versatility and accuracy as well as a smart and practical design. Fully portable and lightweight, it radically simplifies on-site commissioning and drive tests.


Current Version: 1.1.0


Industry Recognition

Award-Winning Platform


Leading References

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Audemat MC6

scalable icon

Versatile Equipment

  • DAB/FM Drive tests
  • Modulation analyzer
  • DAB/FM commissioning
Accuracy icon

High Measurement
Accuracy & Reproducibility

  • Fully digital, high-accuracy measurement
  • User-customizable measurement reports
  • Market-leading reproducibility
  • Unmatched levels of precision with its completely mathematical signal demodulation.
time saving icon

Built-In Tools

  • Intuitive and responsive Web interface
  • Automatic measurement reports
  • Simultaneous measurement
  • Multiple DAB and FM receivers

Perfectly Engineered For Broadcasters and Regulators


Software Modules

Scalable Solution. Powerful Features.


DAB/FM Band Scanner

Identify FM programs and DAB Multiplexes to launch a measurement, configure a drive test or identify unauthorized stations on the field.

DAB Analyzer

Check the key parameters during DAB transmitter installations, ensure the highest broadcasting quality (MER, Constellation, SFN, TII…) and analyze all DAB services.

FM Analyzer

Check the key parameters during FM transmitter installations, ensure a full compliance of the signals (frequency, deviation, MPX power, modulation, RDS…) and compare your program with the competition.


Automatic Reports

Generate highly accurate and complete measurement report following DAB or FM transmitter installations and on regular basis.

DAB/FM Drive Tester

Analyze your real coverage, identify potential issues and generate in-depth reports for FM or DAB. Reduce the drive time and costs thanks to multiple DAB and FM receivers on-board.


GoldenEar algorithm provides mathematical and objective quality ratings of DAB and FM signals received during a drive test. Used by major broadcasters and regulators for decades, this software technology simplifies analysis and reporting.


A Wide Scope Of Services For Optimal Performance

To ensure you benefit from all the help, support, and information you need to make sure your system continues running at optimal performance and with all the latest upgrades, it is accompanied with a mandatory 3-year service agreement: 

  • Factory calibration every 3 years
  • Software upgrade
  • Priority support
  • Free loan unit during repair
  • Warranty with extension up to 10 years

A few words from our expert


“We proudly introduce the Audemat MC6, a culmination of invaluable user feedback, our company’s expertise, and numerous technological advancements. The result is a multi-receiver and multi-standard solution, housed within a more powerful, compact, robust, and highly scalable platform, surpassing its predecessors in every aspect.”

- Gregory Mercier, Director Product Marketing -
WorldCast Systems


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