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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions

"What Happens If...?" Find out What Happens to the Ecreso FM 10kW when problems occur...

  9 oct. 2017

The latest in our series of Technotes on the Ecreso FM 10kW Transmitter outlines the redundancy capabilities of the "As Solid as a 1+1" system.

The document outlines the output power you can expect from the system should an issue occur with one or multiple individual components and shows how the built-in redundancy provides a highly robust and reliable transmitter capable of keeping you on air even in the most difficult of circumstances!

Also in this series, are the following Tech Notes:

How Intelligent Transmitter Design Can Deliver 1+1 Levels of Performance 

Maximizing Transmitter Efficiency: A Study of the Ecreso FM 10kW

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